For The Puppies Foundation

Guardian Home

What does it mean to be a Guardian Home? Being a Guardian Home is the same as fostering. We use the phrase Guardian Home to help convey the message that you will be guarding a precious soul in your home. These dogs have been through so much and experience so much change that emotionally, they can be very fragile.

You will be giving a rescued dog or cat a positive environment so they can have the emotional stability they need to thrive.

What We Provide

The Foundation will provide your home with the following:

  • High quality food for the animal
  • Assist in taking the animal for vet visits
  • Daycare options while your family attends school and work
  • Private or group training classes (dogs only)
  • other items for the animal
    • Leash
    • Collar
    • Long Lines
    • Treats
    • Toys
    • Bedding
    • Crate

What Is Required

You will be required to provide the following:

  • A safe and attentive home.
  • Must agree to attend and participate in training (dogs only)
  • Must agree to maintain the items provide by the Foundation
  • Must agree to be patient and understanding with the animal.
  • Must agree to not physically or emotionally abuse the animal under any circumstances.

If you feel that you would like to become a Guardian Home for our Foundation, please fill out an application

Guardian Home Application

Contact Information

Personal Information

The following are not designed to disqualify perspective applicants. Your answers will allow us to place a dog or cat that fits your home and family lifestyle. Check only the boxes below that apply to you and your family.

Foundation Logo Donatation OR Code
Mobile Donation Link